As a florist, we love making people smile and making special occasions that much more special. We know that's why you send flowers. Many of Flowerbee's customers send flower bouquets from overseas to their family, friends and in Hong Kong. Here are the top places we have delivered flowers to recently, so we thought we'd create a guide, letting you know more about where your beautiful flowers and messages are going!

1. Central: Located on Hong Kong Island, Central is a vibrant and bustling neighborhood with a mix of high-rise offices, residential buildings, luxury hotels, and shopping centers. It is known for its thriving nightlife, culinary scene, and proximity to business districts.


2. Sai Ying Pun: This up-and-coming neighborhood on the western side of Hong Kong Island offers a mix of old and new. Expats are drawn to its trendy cafés, restaurants, and proximity to Sheung Wan and Central.


3. Sheung Wan: Adjacent to Central, Sheung Wan is famous for its antique shops, art galleries, and traditional Chinese medicine shops. Expats enjoy its charming streets, hipster boutiques, and the trendy PMQ creative space.


4. Mid-Levels: Situated on the slopes of Victoria Peak, Mid-Levels offers stunning views of the city. This area is popular among expat families due to its proximity to international schools, parks, and recreational facilities.


5. The Peak: This exclusive neighborhood atop Victoria Peak is coveted by expats for its breathtaking views, luxurious properties, and peaceful surroundings. Many high-profile individuals and celebrities call The Peak home.


6. Happy Valley: Known for its famous horse racing track, Happy Valley is a serene oasis amidst the bustling city. Expats appreciate the area's green spaces, low-rise residential buildings, and proximity to Causeway Bay.


7. Causeway Bay: Considered Hong Kong's premier shopping district, Causeway Bay is a popular choice for expats due to its vibrant atmosphere, excellent retail options, and proximity to Victoria Park and the harbor.


8. North Point: Situated on the eastern side of Hong Kong Island, North Point offers a more affordable alternative while still being well-connected to the city center. Expats enjoy the area's local markets, waterfront promenade, and cultural heritage.


9. Quarry Bay: Located next to North Point, Quarry Bay is known for its modern and spacious residential complexes. Expats are attracted to its proximity to public transportation, reputable schools, and a plethora of dining options.


10. Wan Chai: Famous for its nightlife and entertainment scene, Wan Chai is a popular choice for expats seeking a vibrant atmosphere. It offers a mix of traditional markets, modern shopping malls, and heritage sites.


11. Repulse Bay: Situated on the southern coast of Hong Kong Island, Repulse Bay is renowned for its stunning beach and upscale living. Expats are drawn to its laid-back vibe and luxurious waterfront properties.


12. Stanley: Located on the southeastern part of Hong Kong Island, Stanley is a coastal town known for its beautiful beaches, waterfront promenade, and Stanley Market. Expats enjoy the relaxed lifestyle and outdoor activities available in this area.


13. Clear Water Bay: Situated on the eastern side of Kowloon Peninsula, Clear Water Bay offers a peaceful retreat away from the city's hustle and bustle. Expats appreciate the area's beautiful beaches, hiking trails, and family-friendly lifestyle.


14. Sai Kung: Another popular choice for expat families, Sai Kung is a quaint fishing village that offers a slower pace of life. It boasts a picturesque waterfront, seafood restaurants, and access to hiking and boating activities.


15. Discovery Bay: Located on Lantau Island, Discovery Bay is a gated community popular among expats and families. Known for its tranquil surroundings, green spaces, and international school, it offers a relaxing lifestyle while still being connected to the city.


16. Tung Chung: Situated near Hong Kong International Airport, Tung Chung is an up-and-coming area popular for its affordability and close proximity to transportation hubs. It offers a range of amenities, including shopping centers, parks, and hiking trails.


17. Kowloon Tong: Known for its prestigious schools and universities, Kowloon Tong is a prime location for expat families. It boasts residential complexes, garden-like campuses, and access to international educational institutions.


18. Tsim Sha Tsui: Located in the southern part of Kowloon Peninsula, Tsim Sha Tsui offers a mix of commercial, cultural, and entertainment attractions. Expats are drawn to its lively atmosphere, luxury shopping malls, and iconic waterfront.


19. Mong Kok: Recognized as one of the busiest districts in Hong Kong, Mong Kok is beloved for its vibrant street markets, restaurants, and cheap shopping options. Expats seeking an authentic local experience often choose to live in this energetic neighborhood.


20. Kwun Tong: Situated on the eastern side of Kowloon Peninsula, Kwun Tong is an emerging business and residential district. Expats are attracted to its modern residential developments, waterfront promenade, and upcoming cultural and art spaces.



您的 Flowerbee 鮮花將運往香港哪裡

作為一家花店,我們喜歡讓人們微笑,讓特殊的場合變得更加特別。 我們知道這就是您送花的原因。 Flowerbee 的許多顧客從海外送花束給他們的家人、朋友和香港。 以下是我們最近送花最多的地方,因此我們認為我們應該創建一個指南,讓您更多地了解您美麗的鮮花和信息的去向!

1. 中環:中環位於香港島,是一個充滿活力和繁華的街區,擁有高層辦公大樓、住宅大樓、豪華飯店和購物中心。 它以其繁榮的夜生活、美食和鄰近商業區而聞名。

2. 西營盤:這個位於香港島西側的新興社區融合了新舊元素。 外籍人士被其時尚的咖啡館、餐廳以及鄰近的上環和中環所吸引。

3. 上環:上環毗鄰中環,以其古董店、畫廊和中藥店而聞名。 外籍人士喜歡這裡迷人的街道、時尚的精品店和時尚的 PMQ 創意空間。

4. 半山:半山位於太平山頂的山坡上,享有城市的壯麗景色。 由於靠近國際學校、公園和娛樂設施,該地區深受外籍家庭的歡迎。

5.太平山頂:這個位於太平山頂的獨特社區因其令人驚嘆的景色、豪華的房產和寧靜的環境而受到外國人的青睞。 許多知名人士和名人都以山頂為家。

6. 跑馬地:跑馬地以其著名的賽馬場而聞名,是繁華都市中的一片寧靜綠洲。 外籍人士喜歡該地區的綠地、低層住宅大樓以及鄰近的銅鑼灣。

7. 銅鑼灣:銅鑼灣被認為是香港首屈一指的購物區,因其充滿活力的氛圍、一流的零售選擇以及靠近維多利亞公園和海港而成為外籍人士的熱門選擇。

8. 北角:北角位於香港島東側,提供更實惠的選擇,同時仍與市中心保持良好的聯繫。 外籍人士喜歡該地區的當地市場、海濱長廊和文化遺產。

9. 鰂魚湧:鰂魚湧毗鄰北角,以其現代化、寬敞的住宅區而聞名。 外籍人士因其鄰近的公共交通、著名的學校和眾多的餐飲選擇而受到吸引。

10.灣仔:灣仔以其夜生活和娛樂場所而聞名,是尋求充滿活力的氛圍的外籍人士的熱門選擇。 這裡匯集了傳統市場、現代購物中心和遺址。

11.淺水灣:淺水灣位於香港島南海岸,以其迷人的海灘和高檔的生活而聞名。 外籍人士被其悠閒的氛圍和豪華的海濱房產所吸引。

12. 赤柱:赤柱位於香港島東南部,是一個沿海小鎮,以其美麗的海灘、海濱長廊和赤柱市場而聞名。 外籍人士享受該地區輕鬆的生活方式和戶外活動。

13. 清水灣:清水灣位於九龍半島東側,提供遠離城市喧囂的寧靜休憩之所。 外籍人士喜歡該地區美麗的海灘、遠足小徑和適合家庭的生活方式。

14. 西貢:西貢是外籍家庭的另一個熱門選擇,西貢是一個古色古香的漁村,生活節奏較慢。 它擁有風景如畫的海濱、海鮮餐廳以及遠足和划船活動。

15.愉景灣:愉景灣位於大嶼山,是一個深受外籍人士和家庭歡迎的封閉式社區。 它以其寧靜的環境、綠地和國際學校而聞名,提供輕鬆的生活方式,同時仍與城市保持聯繫。

16. 東湧:東湧位於香港國際機場附近,是一個新興地區,因其價格實惠且靠近交通樞紐而廣受歡迎。 它提供一系列便利設施,包括購物中心、公園和遠足步道。

17. 九龍塘:九龍塘以其著名的學校和大學而聞名,是外籍家庭的黃金地段。 它擁有住宅區、花園式校園以及通往國際教育機構的通道。

18. 尖沙咀:尖沙咀位於九龍半島南部,提供商業、文化及娛樂景點。 外籍人士被其熱鬧的氛圍、豪華購物中心和標誌性的海濱所吸引。

19. 旺角:旺角被認為是香港最繁忙的地區之一,因其充滿活力的街頭市場、餐廳和廉價的購物場所而深受人們喜愛。 尋求真實的當地體驗的外籍人士通常選擇居住在這個充滿活力的社區。


20.觀塘:觀塘位於九龍半島東側,是新興的商業和住宅區。 外籍人士被其現代住宅開發項目、海濱長廊以及即將推出的文化和藝術空間所吸引。

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Most Symbolic Flowers for Valentine’s Day 2025

Flowers have long been a timeless expression of love, admiration, and affection, making them the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. Each bloom carries a unique meaning, so choosing the right flower...

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