To celebrate Valentine's Day, Flowerbee commissioned an acrostic poem based on the words HONG KONG FLORIST. We hope you enjoy it, and it inspires you to have a very romantic (and flower filled!) day with your significant other.


Happiness blossoms in vibrant array

Orchids and roses, a floral ballet

Nature's palette, a symphony in bloom

Gifts of beauty, to brighten a room


Kindness expressed through blooms so sweet

Opulent colors, a visual treat

Nurtured by hands, with love they are arranged

Generations of artisans, skillfully trained


Fragrant lilies and tulips, delicate and rare

Lavish bouquets, a heartfelt affair

Ornamental creations, a master's finesse

Roses like rubies, an essence of success

Igniting emotions, a sight to behold

Silent whispers, stories untold

Tender petals, caressed by the light


Flourishing artistry, in every crafted pose

Lush foliage and blooms, nature's prose

Opulent bouquets, a sensory delight

Radiant blessings, to all with delight

Innovative designs, a fond memory

Spectacular gardens, creating pure ecstasy

Thoughtful gestures, sentiments true

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