If you have a cat, it's important to be cautious about the types of flowers you bring into your home. Cats are curious by nature and may be attracted to certain flowers, but some flowers can be toxic to them if ingested. To keep your furry friend safe, here is a guide to some flowers you should avoid if you have a cat:

  1. Lilies: Lilies are highly toxic to cats, even in small quantities. These flowers can cause severe kidney damage, leading to kidney failure if ingested. All parts of the lily plant, including the flowers, leaves, stems, and pollen, are poisonous to cats. It's best to completely avoid having lilies in your home if you have a cat.

  2. Tulips: The bulbs of tulips contain toxins that can cause gastrointestinal irritation, excessive drooling, and even central nervous system depression if ingested by cats. Remove any fallen petals or leaves from these flowers as cats may be tempted to play with them.

  3. Daffodils: All parts of the daffodil plant contain toxic alkaloids that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even cardiac arrhythmias if ingested by cats. Avoid placing daffodil flowers or bulbs in areas where your cat can access them.

  4. Hyacinths: Hyacinths are known to contain toxic substances, primarily concentrated in the bulbs, that can cause gastrointestinal upset in cats. Keep your cat away from hyacinth flowers and bulbs to prevent ingestion.

  5. Azaleas and Rhododendrons: These popular flowering plants contain a substance called grayanotoxin, which is highly toxic to cats. Ingestion of even small amounts can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, and in severe cases, can even be fatal.

  6. Oleander: This ornamental plant contains toxins that affect the heart, causing cardiac arrhythmias and other severe symptoms if ingested by cats. Keep your cat away from any oleander flowers or leaves.

  7. Chrysanthemums: These vibrant flowers contain compounds called pyrethrins, which can cause gastrointestinal upset, excessive drooling, and skin irritation if cats come into contact with them.

  8. Baby's Breath: While Baby's Breath is commonly used as a filler in floral arrangements, it can cause gastrointestinal upset if ingested by cats. Ensure that any floral arrangements containing Baby's Breath are placed out of your cat's reach.

It's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian if you suspect your cat has ingested any part of a toxic flower. 

DISCLAMER: This guide is not exhaustive, and should not be taken as veterinary advice. If in doubt, please consult your vet before buying flowers.


如果您養貓,請務必謹慎對待帶回家的鮮花類型。 貓天生好奇,可能會被某些花所吸引,但有些花如果攝取會對它們有毒。 為了確保您毛茸茸的朋友的安全,以下是您養貓時應避免使用的一些花的指南:

百合:百合對貓有劇毒,即使數量很少。 這些花會導致嚴重的腎臟損傷,如果攝入,會導致腎衰竭。 百合植物的所有部分,包括花、葉、莖和花粉,對貓來說都是有毒的。 如果您養貓,最好完全避免在家中放置百合花。

鬱金香:鬱金香的球莖含有毒素,如果被貓攝入,會引起胃腸道刺激、過度流口水,甚至中樞神經系統抑制。 清除這些花上掉落的花瓣或葉子,因為貓可能會想玩它們。

水仙花:水仙花植物的所有部位都含有有毒的生物鹼,如果被貓攝入,會引起嘔吐、腹瀉、腹痛,甚至心律不整。 避免將水仙花花或球莖放在貓咪可以接觸到的地方。

風信子:眾所周知,風信子含有有毒物質,主要集中在球莖中,可能會導致貓咪胃腸道不適。 讓您的貓遠離風信子花和球莖,以防止誤食。

杜鵑花和杜鵑花:這些受歡迎的開花植物含有一種叫做灰黴毒素的物質,對貓有劇毒。 即使攝入少量也會導致嘔吐、腹瀉、過度流口水,嚴重時甚至可能致命。

夾竹桃:這種觀賞植物含有影響心臟的毒素,如果被貓攝入,會導致心律不整和其他嚴重症狀。 讓你的貓遠離任何夾竹桃花或葉子。


滿天星:雖然滿天星通常用作插花的填充物,但如果被貓攝入,可能會導致腸胃不適。 確保將任何含有滿天星的插花放在貓咪接觸不到的地方。


免責聲明:本指南並不詳盡,不應被視為獸醫建議。 如有疑問,請在購買鮮花前諮詢您的獸醫。

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